Pride makes us artificial and humility makes us real. - Thomas Merton
Pride places me above or beyond God's grace. I am self sufficient. I am not dependent upon or accountable to others. I do not need God. I can grant my own mercy. A variation: I'm so lost and broken not even God can save me.
How can I respect others when I place myself above others? How can I respect others if I can't even respect myself? Pride isolates the human person from our solidarity with and dependence upon one another. Our very survival is threatened by Pride.
Pride is the mask we make of our faults, says a Jewish proverb. This mask is such a mystery to ourselves that when we fall, the shock devastates us. Pride masks the true self. Graced and glorious, fully alive in our humanity, humility grants naturally all the qualities we vainly seek in the folly of Pride.
Help me to turn to You again! Help me to love my unmasked self. Give me joy!