The goal of this weekly page is to offer a way to enter personally and deeply into some aspect of the Gospel text. The placement of the three quotes offer an ancient pattern of meditative prayer. Generally, Meditation One(introit) draws you into the idea, problem, or metaphor to be examined. Meditation Two (insight) offers an illumination for focus. If your meditations were choreographed, here is the point on which to turn in another direction. Meditation Three (integration) gathers the the idea and insight together, facing outward toward actions of love and service.
Other Features
From the retreat page you can Link to New Revised Lectionary Texts for Sunday. You will find the full texts of the readings we hear together throughout the world in our corporate prayer.
Medieval Art from illuminated manuscripts excites my religious imagination because of rich symbolism, humor, and color. I try to find art that resonates with the idea or text. If I can't find medieval pieces, I look to the early Renaissance or iconography, though I try not to form any hard rules about what to present.
Sometimes I can't resist putting in a prayer or poem or quote spinning off from the original idea. This material shows up in an inset under Meditation One titled Miscellany. The Last Word … is self-explanatory.
You can sign up to receive a weekly reminder newsletter when the post for the following Sunday is up (usually on Monday). Go to the upper left side of this web site's HOME PAGE to receive this preview/reminder.
Many of you ransack this feature for sermon quotes. That's fine with me. I've been forced into pillaging and plundering the world around me for preaching material. (Sorry, family, friends, and foes.) My prayers go lovingly off with you pulpit pirates. Send me your sermons once in a while.
Study Groups
I'm delighted that some of you use the meditation prompts for group study. Drop me a line to let me know your techniques of getting here to there by using the meditation prompts as well as your own diversions and insights! I'm very interested in what happens when more than one person takes the self-guided retreat at the same time. Thank you!
As with any study, set this retreat activity apart from other tasks. Allow time for daydreams and distractions - because the Holy Spirit may “find you” in this altered consciousness. Enter the process with a sense of play and openness. Ask for and expect a gift in your meditation.